
„Perfecting human-centered design in the USE-Ing. UX Innovation Process“

USE-Ing. Designprozess

Expert Analysis

A methodically sound analysis forms the foundation of every new development. Central aspects include user needs and relevant use scenarios, as well as a comprehensive evaluation by experts of various fields.

„In-depth analyses lay the foundation for successful innovations“

Service Components

  • User Research Study

    We can recognize the users' true needs and motivations only when we fully understand them. Our methods assist you in making these aspects tangible through the identification of user needs, user stories, user requirements and user journeys.

  • Workflow & Task Analysis

    By observing user-interface interactions, from simple actions to complex processes, we uncover hidden design potentials and gain insights for workflow optimization.

  • Use-Related Risk Assessment

    Through analytical examination of the context of use, we identify potential risks and hazards and provide solutions.

  • Heuristic Analysis

    Identifying potential usability issues in the user interface can also be achieved cost-effectively with the right methods. Our experts evaluate against established and appropriate principles, revealing insights to improve user experience and engagement without extensive user testing.

  • Human Factors Analysis

    Using eye or motion tracking sensors, we efficiently uncover and highlight relevant aspect of the human machine interaction. This allows us to visually and objectively assess user attention, comfort/discomfort, stres/strain, streamlining the evaluation process.

  • Do you need a specific expert analysis for your projects or have questions about our methods and tools?

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Ideas & Concepts

From specific requirements to advanced interaction and user interface concepts, we ignite innovation. Intensive user collaboration shapes a clear vision, brought to life by our designers who create and refine a shared understanding.

„Transforming ideas into viable concepts using tailored methods“

Service Components

  • Design Thinking & User-centered Innovation

    By systematically approaching complex problems, we enable the generation of individual ideas with innovation potential within our Design Thinking method and workshops.

  • User Journeys

    We enhance customer engagement by delivering personalized experiences through insight-driven customization of every interaction, thereby increasing satisfaction and loyalty among users and customers.

  • Styleguides

    Whether starting with a single product or an entire portfolio segment, clear and meaningful user interface style guides are essential for demonstrating design freedom across products and strengthening your company's identity and recognition.

  • Interaction Design

    User experiences are crafted through both overarching concepts and meticulous details. In both scenarios, thoughtful and sophisticated interaction design is crucial for optimizing digital, physical or combined interfaces.

  • Ergonomic Dimensional Concepts

    We integrate user-centric insights across various percentiles, prioritizing natural posture and movement. In doing so, we establish relevant boundaries and requirements for HMI and workspace development, ensuring optimal ergonomics, comfort, efficiency and well-being.

  • Do you need ideation and concept creation for your projects, or do you have questions about our methods and tools?

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Prototypes & UI/UX

Regardless of whether it's engineering or design, the art of presenting a concept with both quality and aesthetics requires mastery. To achieve this, our professionals undergo thorough training.

„Design embodies a tangible idea“

Service Components

  • Graphical User Interface Demonstrator

    Every idea and concept should be made tangible in the user-centered design process; it's never too early to start. Low-fidelity wireframes provide early insights into the key strengths and weaknesses of a concept. To create a realistic experience, we bring this to life in the form of high-fidelity demonstrators that are both visually and functionally polished.

  • Ergonomic Design Prototypes

    A physical mockup helps us concentrate on applying principles of ergonomic design, specifically assembly, shape and the selection of surface materials. Furthermore, it makes the concepts of weight distribution and the effects of adopted body postures tangible, allowing for the comparison of human factors like physical stress/strain, comfort, health and safety.

  • Physical User Interface Demonstrator

    The creation of a realistic HMI-demonstrator not only accelerates development by faithfully representing all human-machine interfaces but also provides a realistic portrayal as envisioned in the final product's interaction concept, usability and ergonomics. To streamline this design process, we are using in-house, state-of-the-art prototyping tools.

  • Do you need prototypes and demonstrators for your projects, or do you have questions about our methods and tools?

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User Evaluation

Iteratively testing the different stages of interface prototypes with representative users is our daily bread.
​ Depending on the specific question, it is important to evaluate early concepts and targeted interaction variations, recruit participants, or design and conduct usability tests​.

„Testing products and features directly with users in different stages of development is one of our core topics“

Service Components

  • Focus Group Interview

    Our experts provide valuable insights through these structured interviews by gathering diverse perspectives from all relevant user groups on a product or service. The power of real-time feedback and interactive discussions facilitates targeted improvements and strategic decisions, enhancing customer satisfaction and market relevance.

  • Acceptance Tests

    To ensure that complex development does not proceed without considering both the customer and the user, capturing their opinions on specific interaction concepts or ideas is essential. We take care to ensure that these stakeholders' needs form the foundation of the user-centered development process.

  • Formative Usability Test

    Formative usability testing fine-tunes early user interface designs through direct user involvement and feedback. Our professionals are skilled in identifying usability issues and deriving the right recommendations to enhance user experience and satisfaction, ensuring a user-centered design.

  • Summative Usability Test

    Summative usability testing is conducted at the end of the development cycle. Our usability engineers assess product usability, effectiveness, efficiency, and critical use-related risks by involving representative participants from targeted user groups. Additionally, we ensure that the testing is conducted in compliance with relevant product development regulations.

  • User Acquisition & Recruitment

    To optimize products specifically for their intended application, it's crucial to involve the targeted users as early as possible in the usability engineering process. Our test participant acquisition team ensures the recruitment of appropriate users across various sectors.

  • USE-Ing. User Panel

    We rely on our extensive pool of test participants, which we continuously expand and maintain. Through our strong network and reliable process, we are able to provide real test participants that cover user profiles from the most crucial product areas.

  • Do you need user evaluation for your projects, or do you have questions about our methods and tools?

    Contact us

Discover our Project Insights

User-Centered development of an Exorobot for fatigue-free Operations

From early user interviews into the real operating room

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Usability Tests of the Push Assist via GO

Innovative yet safe and user-friendly – Mobility technology for physically disabled people

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Usability Evaluation of the Orthopedic Navigation System OrthoPilot®Elite

We validate the suitability for use of medical devices

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Workflow Evaluation and Interface Design IMRI Solutions – Research Project

Research - that extends into practice

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empenda – The User-Centered Emergency Call System

An emergency call system that makes you feel safe and simultaneously stylish

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aha – Adaptive Handle

A handle that fits everyone

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