
Human Factors Engineering & Ergonomic Product Design

Our human factors test benches

Your contact for human factors & ergonomics

Marcus Jenke

Dr.-Ing. Marcus Jenke

Usability Engineer

HMI for
human factors
& ergonomic

Objectivity of
Ergonomics & Usability as Standard

User-Centered Innovation as a Driver of the Future of Your Products

Through specialized tools and methods for analyzing and designing new Human-Machine Interface (HMI) solutions, we introduce objectivity and evaluability, particularly in terms of ergonomics and usability, into your product development process. Our user-centered approach systematically facilitates the creation of innovative product solutions by aligning usability and ergonomic goals with your strategic objectives.
This ensures not only effective, efficient, and accessible use but also promotes human health and well-being through ergonomic design.

Key Value Propositions of Our Approach:

  • Cutting Edge HMI Solutions
  • Quick Wins for the User
  • Reliable Marketing Claims
  • Informed Management Decisions
  • Project Management Support

Innovation Process

Understanding and planning
human-centered project goals


The foundation of effective, human-centered development is a shared understanding of the strategic direction of the development activities. It is important to clarify relevant conditions and define coordinated roles and interfaces between all stakeholders in the entire project team.

This activity may include:

  • Definition and delimitation
  • Time factors and budgets
  • Responsibilities

You want to entrust your usability project to competent hands and support project management?
We take care of the necessary framework conditions.

Identifying insights & connections through
User Research & Application Analysis

Application Analysis

The primary goal is to gain extensive knowledge and understanding of the product context of use. Initially, the focus is on capturing handling situations, body postures, movements, and identifying user needs in the analysis.
Using a task-based approach (task analysis) and appropriate testing and measurement tools, these insights range from captured work postures to movement sequences (e.g., forces endured & joint angles) to cognitive processes (e.g., intuitiveness & cognitive usability).
This, combined with ergonomic criteria such as demographic and ethnographic classification of users (e.g., anthropometry & human performance), enables the definition of HMI quality.

This activity may include:

  • On-site observations
  • Expert-based ergonomic analyses
  • Hand pressure mappings
  • Body & motion tracking
  • Muscle activity measurements (EMG)

Are you looking for a solid foundation to improve your product by correctly and early involving users and their needs?
We provide you with the right access to the user world.

Defining optimization potentials through
Synthesis & User Interface Specification

Interface Specification

Condensing the information obtained from human-centered development activities is essential for deriving specifiable design requirements (known as User Interface Specifications) accurately.
These specifications represent the result of identified optimization potentials of examined human-machine interfaces.
Comfort optimizations of pressure distribution or improvements in controllability can be achieved through load-strain assessments.
Whether it's control elements or handles, every user interface can be ideally adapted to the user and the application through targeted design parameter adjustments.

This activity may include:

  • HMI design recommendations
  • User Interface Specifications
  • Usability issues
  • HMI strengths & weaknesses

Do you need to identify the specific HMI optimization potentials of your product for planning future development activities?
Whether it's an ergonomic quick win or a visionary product innovation, we will show you the way.

Inspired & inspiring
generation of innovative ideas


Whether you are a User Researcher, UX-Professional, or Usability Engineer, every role in the human-centered product development team can generate the decisive solution idea.
Therefore, especially in creative development phases, we rely on the interdisciplinarity of our entire team - and with proven success.
Because sustainable development of great and innovative products is only possible through team creativity, which optimally leverages the strengths of each discipline.
In ideation phases, we provide creativity spaces for our development teams through workshops, methods, and guidance to tap into these strengths - gladly with you as well. Whether it's a clever micro-innovation of a HMI-component or an innovative user interaction concept, we always measure the applicability of the solution from the user's perspective.

This activity may include:

  • Mind-Sketching
  • Intuitive Prototyping
  • Interaction Design Workshops
  • Usability Outside of the Box
  • Engineering meets Design Sessions

Are you seeking a creative partner who doesn't just design HMI ideas to be tucked away in a presentation drawer?
Together, we develop HMI concepts that we proudly stand behind in front of users and customers at all times.

Experiencing ideas truly is the essence of
Prototyping & Concept Design


In compact pretotyping and prototyping sprints, we efficiently and effectively generate a tangible basis for decision-making for previous concept ideas.
Our special claim is to quickly and conscientiously create the appropriate HMI fidelity in order to provide the entire project team with a reliable basis for decision-making regarding the existing design options.
For both physical and digital HMI concepts, our expertise combined with the latest prototyping tools adds true value in this crucial phase of human-centered product development - all of this available in-house at USE-Ing.

This activity may include prototyping tools like:

  • 3D printers for handles, control parts, and mechanisms
  • Laser cutters for packaging and structures
  • Electronics & electromechanics for displays & interactivity
  • Digital prototyping tools & click dummies
  • Interaction design simulations in VR & AR

Do you require expertise and guidance in making potential product innovations tangible?
We are your partner for the effective prototypical implementation of HMI concepts.

User & expert-based
Evaluation & Verification


Our experts at USE-Ing. act as an objective partner for evaluating the ergonomic interface quality of your products or product concepts in our Usability and Ergonomics Testing Laboratory.
Similar to analytical phases, methods for objectively capturing Human Factors parameters are used.
Our verification activities primarily focus on aligning the HMI properties with the defined User Interface requirements, ergonomic acceptance criteria, as well as ergonomic and normative guidelines and recommendations.
If it is necessary for product development to obtain valuable real-world feedback on usability through user evaluations, we are happy to conduct usability tests in one of our labs or on-site.
The goal is to ensure transparency about the current quality of the product's HMI for the entire project team.
For this reason, USE-Ing. also acts for the certification of product ergonomics.

This activity may include:

  • Regulatory & normative alignments
  • Force & vibration measurements
  • Interaction simulations
  • Macro & micro ergonomics analysis
  • Ergonomic certifications

Do you need a reliable assessment of your product's ergonomics or usability, or for strategic marketing claims?
We evaluate and certify the ergonomics and usability of your product.

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Insights into our human factors projects

aha – Adaptive Handle

A handle that fits everyone.

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